I am honored to be a finalist for the Colorado Book Awards in Literary Fiction!
Colorado Humanities & Center for the Book hosted a finalist reading on May 26th during which I read from one of my favorite stories, "Navidad." In this humorous tale, MK and Colleen drive in Big Blue to volunteer at the community outreach center Christmas party and learn the power of sharing and tree skirts.
I had a blast reading this excerpt from St. Christopher on Pluto and sharing the mischievous adventures of MK and Colleen with the participants. I also appreciated the thought-provoking questions and hearing the insights and stories of fellow finalists.
If you missed the event, you can watch the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgBg1lWUv40&t=3621s. I read from 55 mins to 1:03, followed by Q&A.
What a great way to celebrate the literary arts!